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St Brigid's Primary School Glassdrummond

October in Primary 2

22nd Oct 2018

 The Primary 2 class have had a very busy October. During Literacy we have been exploring Poetry and the children have even created their own ‘Animal Sounds’ Poem. During Numeracy, the class have been learning about 3D shapes and worked together to create fantastic 3D models, such as castles, chapels and shopping centres. During P.E the children have also been practising and improving their ball skills. Finally, as part of this month’s W.A.U and P.D.M.U learning, the children completed a Senses' Experiment where they used their five senses to explore many different types of foods and materials. Some of the tastes and smells were good…and some not so good! The wide range of reactions can be seen in the photos below!