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St Brigid's Primary School Glassdrummond

Afterschool Football

5th Sep 2024

Afterschool Football

There will be afterschool football for P2, P3, P6 and P7 on Tuesdays (girls and boys beginning 10th)

Please see the information below. Bookings can be made using the link.

KMAC Coaching Gaelic After school club ? - Tuesday 10th September - Tuesday 22nd October ? - St. Brigid’s Primary School Glassdrummond ? -2pm - 3pm ???? P2/3 Only Places are limited so please book in advance as the link will close automatically as soon as limit is reached.

KMAC Coaching Gaelic After school club ? - Tuesday 10th September - Tuesday 22nd October ? - St. Brigid’s Primary School Glassdrummond ? -3pm - 4pm ???? P6/7 Only Places are limited so please book in advance as the link will close automatically as soon as limit is reached.